Applesauce Pumpkin Bread

Geez, this summer flew by fast! It’s unbelievable that some schools have already begun the Fall Semester and here I am, graduated and wondering what to do with myself now that I will never walk into a university again. (I know, I know. You’re probably saying, “never say ‘never,’ Hope.” So maybe it isn’t never but […]

Easy #Blueberry Pie

It seems like only yesterday that I was picking blueberries with my friend. And now, sadly, the season is over! Fortunately, there was still had a good amount of blueberries left in my freezer to make Cobalt yet another birthday pie! (aaand two years ago) I used my recipe for Easy Oil Crust from an Apple Pie […]

Volunteering at the Farmers’ Market

It’s already August 5th! Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday that I started volunteering at Crabtree Farms for our weekly CSA box and walked excitedly down a stage to shake the hands of people I didn’t know. With no school to get ready for this month, I am throwing myself head first into volunteering […]

Fluffy Waffles + #Blueberry Syrup

You guys may be wondering what in the world I am doing with all the blueberries I picked the other day. Well, I’ve made blueberry muffins and smoothies so far AND blueberry syrup. This syrup is so easy to make and so delicious! Cobalt and I poured it over homemade wheat, cinnamon waffles for a […]

Recipe Inspiration: Easy Stir Fry

Recently, I’ve added a new hobby to my life: Teaching Cooking Classes. I meet a friend once a week or so to teach her some simple recipes and techniques that she can take with her for the rest of her life.  So far we’ve learned knife skills (though I will say that I’m not the best […]

Meat and Two: Spicy Turkey Meatloaf + Creamy Smashed Potatoes + Fennel, Beet & Kale Greens

“Meat & threes.” You gotta love ‘em. Protein, starch, vegetable (and/or fruit) and bread — it’s all there, perfectly blanketing the plate with colors, nutrition and deliciousness. I don’t often cook meat and threes. Mostly because it’s a lot of work to make for only two people (Hubs and I). I usually make a meat/protein and one. Tuna […]