New Blog Discovery: Chick Pea Tuna Salad with Kale Greens

I’m always excited when I discover a new food blog. Knowing other people love food as much as I do makes me feel a little less crazy. ;) Plus, I get inspired by others’ ideas for recipes that I maybe never have thought of.

Like this recipe, for example. :)

I found it through a series of Googlings for an image of Aldi’s Greek yogurt for a powerpoint slide (for a presentation next month). The picture I liked led me to a page with another picture of a peanut butter and banana sandwich, a bowl of fruit and a Greek yogurt. Totally my kind of meal! I then decided to browse this blogger’s site to see what else we had in common.

A few minutes later I saw it.

“Tuna” Chick Pea Salad.

While the name may sound funny, the picture looked delicious! The blogger Lisa was inspired to make this from the book The Happy Herbivore. But since I’m not a vegetarian, this recipe gave me the idea to make tuna chick pea salad this week for lunches. Well, I did make it, but it’s hardly going to last until tomorrow! Haha…

And as usual, I modified the ingredients slightly based on what I had. :)


What I used:

  • 1 can of chick peas – $1
  • 2 cans of tuna – 69¢ each (I added one to start out with and another once we ate some of the salad)
  • 1/2 red onion, diced – $?
  • 1 celery stalk – $?
  • garlic powder, pepper, dried basil/parsley – $?

How I made it:

I basically just poured everything into a bowl and mixed it well. I served the salad on a bed of kale greens and cold rice (leftover from Saturday night’s meal). Very flavorful, filling and nutritious! Lots of protein for you protein-lovers :)

Chick Pea Tuna Salad 9
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 8
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 7
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 6
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 5
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 2
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 4
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 3
Chick Pea Tuna Salad 10

Adapted from Recipe test: Happy Herbivore “Tuna” Salad by Lisa Living Well

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