10 Tips for Eating Cheaply in College

Hello friends!

As a college student, I would like to share ten tips that I have found helpful in saving money on food:

  1. Opt out on a meal plan and live off campus if possible (I realize that many schools don’t allow this however). Campus living/dining is much more expensive than if you were on your own!

  2. Make your own food more often than going out.

  3. Use your fridge and freezer if you have one, even if it’s a mini fridge!

  4. Split the grocery bill with your roommate(s). (If you’re sharing food, this REALLY helps out with huge grocery trips.)

  5. Purposefully find transportation to get to the grocery store (your car, your friends’ car, campus bus routes, a bike…)

  6. Take advantage (but not in a mean way) of campus ministries and churches who serve food to students (this has saved me remarkable amounts of money; plus, I’ve made some marvelous friendships!)

  7. Watch prices at the grocery store (Note: just because an item’s “on sale” doesn’t mean it really is!)

  8. Make food from scratch…don’t buy TV dinners. I realize that many students don’t have access to a kitchen, only a microwave but try your best. Google recipes to make in the microwave if you need to. I have a few here for starters!

  9. Don’t buy food unless you need it. Seriously. Food goes bad faster than you think.

  10. Buy food that will last a long time (apples, potatoes, canned veggies/fruits, cereal, carrots, tuna, peanut butter…)

More here along with grocery tips for saving money on food!

Comments, suggestions, questions? I’m happy to hear them. Comment below or on my Facebook page :)

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